I ran across Joe's Goal Tracking Application on Delicious and I fell in love with it.It is one of those AJAX applications out there that is really useful and easy to use. It helps you keep track of your goals and even gives u reports on your progress. I recommend you give it a try. Here is a screen shot of my goals. You can find the app at http://joesgoals.com
ASP.net built in validation does not provide us a straight forward to clear all the validation errors. This would be really helpful while resetting a form. The reset html button would simply reset the form values but will not clear the validation errors. The following javascript code snippet can be used to clear the validation error messages. Have a reset button on your form and call the following js function onclick. <input type="reset" onclick="HideValidationErrors();" /> function HideValidationErrors() { //Hide all validation errors if (window.Page_Validators) for (var vI = 0; vI < Page_Validators.length; vI++) { var vValidator = Page_Validators[vI]; vValidator.isvalid = true; ValidatorUpdateDisplay(vValidator); } //Hide all validaiton summaries if (typeof (Page_ValidationSummaries) != "undefined") { //hide the validation summaries ...