In one of my sharePoint projects, I had to compare a date with the current date in XSLT. As it turned out, there is no support for date comparision in XSLT. This is how I went about doing it. The trick involves converting the date string into a number Say the date is in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2001-01-21T22:54:47Z). Say we have a variable DueDate <xsl:variable name="DueDate" select="'2001-01-21T22:54:47Z'"> Replace the dashes in the string with empty string Take the first 10 character in the date sring convert the string to number number(translate(substring(@DueDate,1,10),'-','')) On doing the above we get: 20010121 We can do the same thing with the date to compare. We can compare the duedate with the current date in SharePoint as follows number(translate(substring(@DueDate,1,10),'-','')) & lt; number(translate(substring(ddwrt:TodayIso(),1,10),'-','')) You can apply the same log...